Thanks so much to each and every donor and participant in our fundraisers over the years! We greatly appreciate all your contributions in whatever way you helped to make these a success~ God bless you all!

Why This Fundraiser?
- You, our generous friends, are the sole source of funding for Homeschool Music Fest. Without funding, we wouldn’t be able to rent the camp or help our bands with expenses.
- If our fundraising goal is met, there will be no admission charge for the event. Those who haven’t made a donation here will have the opportunity (but won’t be required) to do so at HSMF.
Where Your Money Goes
- Our fundraising goal is based as nearly as possible on the actual cost for renting the camp, buying food, and helping out with some band expenses.
- The organizers are all volunteers who love the HSMF. No one is being compensated with your donations.
- Any extra money will be kept in the HSMF bank account and used for the next Music Fest.
What if we Miss our Goal?
- We have the fundraising window open until July 9th, at which point we’ll assess how much has been raised.
- If it’s short of our goal, we will figure out what’s the best version of HSMF we can put on for whatever amount has been raised. Possibilities would include things like booking fewer days at the camp or asking everyone to bring all their own meals.
- Regardless, we do intend to have HSMF with whatever money we are able to raise!