

The Lindsey Family- Featured band

The Lindsey Family-2014

Friday, 8/23

  • Arrive for HomeSchool Music Fest any time after 1PM. If you need to pay for lodging, please do so upon your arrival at the welcome table just inside the dining hall. Also a volunteer list for you to sign up on, to help throughout the weekend, will be available at the same place. Please see Kaiti Nissley or Susanna Neal if you need assistance with the volunteer list. Come prepared for lots of fun, fellowship, great music, and volleyball! 
  • 4:30PM Potluck cookout. Please bring enough burgers or hot dogs and sides for your family, and more if you feel like it! (Extra won’t go to waste.) Please try to have all grill meats for general consumption in the kitchen cooler marked ‘GRILL MEATS’ in the designated bins by 3PM, as grilling will begin soon after. Please keep separate any meat you would like to grill yourself- the grills will open up around 3:30 pm for special or self-service grilling.  
  • 5:50PM – If you plan to participate in the talent show, please line up near the tabernacle for our fun, relaxed talent show. See the lineup sheet for your place in line, and be ready to perform one or at the most, two selections per group or individual unless other arrangements have been previously made. If you don’t see your name on the line-up sheet, please see Krista before talent show begins. See here for more info. on talent show.
  • 6:00PM Evening Program in tabernacle:
  • Note: Still working on band list! Thanks for your patience:)
    • Theme song- McNeill Family- Greenville, TX
    • Talent Show
    • Grandpa’s Neighbors~ Bennington, OK   

Saturday, 8/24

  • 12:30PM Lunch break/family picnic; bring your own food and eat in the dining hall or out in the picnic area. Ice & cups are provided.
  • 3:00PM Fun dress-up contest for all ages; no need to register – just gather promptly at 3:00 outside the large tabernacle for fun and photos. Contest with prizes this year!
  • 3:45PM – Water balloon toss! All children up to 12 can compete against each other for the furthest throw. Age groups are as follows: age 2-5 years; age 6-8 years; age 9-12 years. 1st place prize for each age category!
  • 4:30PM – Meal provided by The John Long Gang with Danny the Salad Buffet Bistro:) on a donation basis.
  • 6:00PM – Evening Program in tabernacle ~THIS EVENING’S CONCERT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC~
  • The Russell Branch Folk Band- Fair Grove, MO
  • Featured Band~ The McNeills~ Greenville, TX
  • Band Scramble
  • Contra Dance following concert.

Sunday, 8/25

  • 10:45AM – Sunday morning worship service
  • Praise & Worship followed by Music & Ministry- The McNeills~ Greenville, TX 
  • Sunday Dinner following service. Please see Sunday meal update here.