Great music
We’ve been blessed to meet many good musicians through the HomeSchool music fest. They come from as far away as Texas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and other states or as close as our own El Dorado Springs! We thank God for them and for the gift of music they’ve shared with us!
The Russell Clan- Guthrie OK
Family-friendly atmosphere
This being a homeschool music event, we invite homeschooling families and grandparents; and friends, even if you don’t homeschool. We love a warm and friendly atmosphere, where all feel welcome, accepted, and loved!

Galilee Ball, similar to dodgeball, is played virtually every daylight hour at HSMF.
Fun and games
Anyone for a game of volleyball, basketball, or maybe even a game of duck, duck goose? Or how ’bout gaga ball, human foosball, horseshoes, or tether ball? Pick your favorite and join right in!
Lasting friendships
Get to meet new friends and meet up again with old ones. Make lasting friendships, no matter what your age, and enjoy getting together at least once a year!
The Great HSMF Band Scramble
One of the coolest parts of the music fest is the band scramble! Musicians and members of the different bands present, “mix up” or scramble to form a new band for the week-end. The groups get together throughout the day to practice for their performance as sort of a grand finale on Saturday evening. So if you play an instrument, come prepared to “scramble”!
Dress-up Time!
Don’t you just love to “dress up”? Well here’s your chance! Whether you’re a little kid, a big kid, or a kid at heart you can participate in this fun activity. Civil war era, a pioneer, a native american, a renaissance princess or whatever strikes your fancy– what a fun way to get creative and enjoy ourselves at the same time. Join us for a fun, friendly dress-up time!
Talent show
Everybody join in…everyone’s got talent! Well, if you have talent to share on stage, then this is the place for you. Whether you sing, play, recite or you name it; as long as it blesses others and glorifies our Father in Heaven, we welcome you on stage at the talent show to share your best!